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  • Writer's pictureJames Corr

How We’re Tackling COVID-19 to Safely Return to Shoots

We’re beginning to see some light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, and most importantly, we’re putting measures in place to get our video shoots back on track.

Things will be different and it may take some getting used to, but our main priority is, and always has been, delivering high-quality visual content in a timely and safe manner.

The following blog is also available in PDF form.


Social Distancing

Any person(s) on-set will be asked to comply with the recommended social distancing rules*.

We’ll be limiting the number of people allowed on-set at any given time to increase the amount of space-per-person.

And finally, by using zoom lenses and various wireless equipment, we’ll be able to support our social distancing measures - whilst ensuring we still get great looking footage!


Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be distributed to any person(s) present at the shoot.*

We will also ensure that hand sanitiser is brought along by the crew. A communal bottle will be available, and the crew will have their own individual bottles.

Page 5 from our Safe Working PDF.

Assessing Risks

COVID-19 Symptom Assessment

Any person(s) on-set will be asked to carry out a COVID-19 Symptom Assessment to ensure they are well and show no signs of COVID-19 symptoms.

Your temperature will be taken via a non-contact thermometer and will be recorded on the document.

You’ll also be asked certain symptom-related questions that align with government guidelines to ensure you are fully well.

This document must be signed and agreed to by the attendee.

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Prior to every shoot, our crew will carry out a COVID-19 Risk Assessment, in line with HSE guidelines.

The results of this assessment will be shared with all attendees and adhered.

Cleaning & Disinfection

All equipment used will be disinfected before and after the shoot.

Equipment will also be disinfected before/if it exchanges hands with another person e.g., swapping camera, reviewing shots, handling microphones etc.


We’ll arrange all initial planning meetings via video call to ensure every detail of the project is covered.

Depending on the number of people required for a shoot, we may draw up a schedule for certain groups that states when to arrive, break times, and when to leave the shoot.

This may need to be done to ensure we can comply with social distancing rules.

Finally, after the shoot has been successfully carried out, we will arrange for any further meetings via video call.

All drafts will be shared via the cloud, and we ask that any revisions be given via email or video call.

The safety of all person(s) present at each shoot is our utmost priority.

We want to continue making the high-quality content that we’re known for delivering, but not at the detriment to those who are involved.

We hope that the measures we have put into place will minimise the risk as much as possible, and make you feel more comfortable about getting back to shooting video content.

With that said, let’s tackle COVID-19 together and get started with making some great films.

Best wishes and stay safe,

Peak Creative team.


If you would like to get in touch with us - you can contact us here.

Once again, this blog is also available in PDF form, as well as video content.

Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels.

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